Friday, March 10, 2006

canadian DIY icons replaced

After eight years of showing off drills, hammers and screwdrivers to their keen neighbours (and less-than-keen television viewers), the Canadian Tire couple is no more. The company switched advertising companies and dropped the handy duo from their ad campaigns.

Our national newspapers dutifully reported on the disappearance of the cultural icons. The Globe and Mail commented that, "loved by some and hated by many, the couple had transcended advertising into the realm of pop culture, where they were parodied by the likes of Royal Canadian Air Farce and This Hour has 22 Minutes." The National Post ran a fake obituary for the couple, which ends with the announcement that "there will be no memorial service for the couple, although there will be a giant yard sale."

1 comment:

  1. we were very happy to hear the news that this guy would no longer be on air to annoy us. he was a know-it-all wuss, and that irked us more than it really should have.

    we were also happy that the annoying scotsman from the keith's beer commercials was being pulled off the air. but the reason for this was not because the public found him was much more serious....
