Tuesday, March 14, 2006

from too big to just right

I was given this terrific Sharpie shirt as a gift awhile ago. It was purchased online, though, so when it arrived it turned out that "small" meant Men's, not Women's. I've been using it as a pyjama shirt while longing to wear it in the daytime. Tonight, I took action.

Turning it inside out, I used a favourite shirt to trace an outline (with a Sharpie... thought it was appropriate given the shirt in question, but it bled through... note for next time...). Then I cut and sewed and fiddled with the sleeves and neckline, and before I knew it... it fit! Not a bad start to my make-your-own t-shirt plan!


  1. Sass! And ingenious, too.

    I've been meaning to check out this book to see if it's any good: 99 Ways to Cut, Sew, Trim, and Tie Your T-Shirt into Something Special. It just came out this month.


  2. The neckline looks great on you, Linds!

  3. whoa! cool shirt! fer realz yo!
