Saturday, April 29, 2006

a chandelier for every ceiling

Chandeliers. So elegant, so decadent, so so far over the top. I'm not really a chandelier person myself (too ornate; too much collecting dust) but I find them compelling to look at. Judged on the volume of chandeliers I've come across online in the past couple of months, designers seem to be lovin' the light, too. Here are a few variations on the cut crystal classic that really push things over the top of over the top.

Bughouse's hypoLUX syringe chandelier.

Lite Brite Neon's neon chandelier.

Moss' Spring Blossom chandelier.

Duffy London's flat canvas chandelier.

Michael & Nora's wine glass chandelier. This was also a project in Issue 19 of Readymade.

A fractal-inspired chandelier by I Am an Angel Chaser... with instructions on how to make your own!

And for the real chandelier enthusiast, Interior Couture makes chandelier blinds, cushions and wallpaper.

Taking a breather from hipstercraft for a moment, there are also good old fashioned antler chandeliers, like the ones found at places with names like Big Game Pro Shop and Horns-A-Plenty. Horns-A-Plenty apparently constructed the world's largest antler chandelier. At 10-feet in diameter and 12-feet tall, more than 600 natural deer and elk antlers went into making the chandelier.

Three hundred deer later, I'm ready to say goodbye to the real world and scurry back into hipsterland, tail between my converse and my ironic faux-vintage ringer T. I was welcomed back in style with a short "non book review" from Believer magazine on the subject of antler chandeliers:

Antler chandeliers add rusticity to any cabin near mountains, horses, and ski slopes, but “look better” in rooms with couches and tables rather than beds. To shout “Westernize!” to an antler chandelier owner means you want the owner to “turn on the light.” Light from an antler chandelier is called “western glow,” and shaking an antler chandelier gently so the branch shadows on the wall move eerily is called “scaring the kids.”


  1. Very provocative post! Chandeliers are such odd things in space. It’s interesting to see the idea dissected so many different ways.

  2. Here's some more interesting chandeliers:

  3. Outstanding collection of different styles of chandeliers!! My favorite is wine glass chandelier...
