Monday, April 10, 2006

shout out to socks

I know, I know, even with yesterday's sock monkey extravangaza post, you still haven't got your fill of sock monkeys. Well, let me share some more sock monkey love with you.

I recently bought a fantastic book of portrait photography... with sock monkeys as the subjects. Sock Monkeys (200 out of 1,863) is a book about just that: 200 portraits of sock monkeys from a collection of 1,863.

What's amazing about this book is not only the sheer number of sock monkeys, but the variety of sock monkey faces - from adorably cute to downright frightening and everything in between - and the personalities that those faces hint at. A few monkeys scattered throughout the book have had their stories imagined by authors, including Jonathan Safran Foer and Neil Gaiman.

1 comment:

  1. no no.... you've really got to be kiddin!

