Sunday, June 04, 2006

canadian content quilts

Calling all Canadian politicians and activists - and quilters.

Capital Matters was the theme of one of the exhibits at the 25th anniversary conference of the Canadian Quilters Association, which took place in Ottawa this May.

Based on this theme, crafters created wallhangings in a range of techniques - from quilting to hooking to embroidery, and other fibre and textile arts. The pieces cover many Canadian issues, such as the spending of public money, sponsorship scandals, the mad cow scare, and other Canadian politics and icons.

Visit this flickr set for photos and with explanations of all the Capital Matters pieces. Oh, Canada!

1 comment:

  1. AnonymousJune 04, 2006

    Ha ha ha, too funny! I would get scared of starting at Stephen Harper's face long enough to make a quilt of it.
