Tuesday, August 29, 2006

craft fair table, here i come

Yesterday was Day One-ish on my way to having a table at a craft fair. Craftynest is still a little ways away, but with work and all, it'll be here sooner than I know it. So I better decide what I'm making, let alone make quantity!

I say it's Day One-ish because I've been alternately mulling, planning, scheming, dreaming, editing and revising my ideas for what to make for my table. Last night I devised a pattern for one of the animals. I guess I could have made it a lot easier on myself by doing some research and seeing how existing patterns are put together, but I just wanted to draw something then figure out how to make it right away. So that's what I did. Fun!

I won't tell you what I'm planning on making yet... maybe more on that after I've worked some more stuff out this weekend.

P.S. If you're in Vancouver, sign up for a table at Craftynest this week. The deadline to apply is August 31st. It's the least expensive table in town - and will be the awesomest craft fair, to boot!


  1. Oooh, that's so exciting! I can't wait to see the result of all your craftiness! A squirrel in that picture, right?

  2. Pfft, squirrel. Ok, so from that angle it miiiight look like a squirrel. But it's really a ferocious dog. You just can't see muzzle and fangs.
