Sunday, August 20, 2006

even the cool kids craft

Yesterday my friend and I walked by these two guys sitting on the grass. They were very cool looking, hip hop kind of guys and looked like they should've been smoking or talking about cars or something. Instead, they each a pair in scissors in hand, cutting up brown paper bags and bright pink paper. It looked like they were making valentines or strings of paper dolls.

I wish I had had the nerve to stop and ask them what they were doing or to take their photo.


  1. Psst! M&C, I miss your posts...I know that it has only been a few days, but I feel like it's been longer...also, my hubby was wondering if you'd received the e-mail that he sent you (I think he's hoping to get onto the site). :) Love and miss you both!

  2. Sorry - real likfe is getting in the way! But I think it's time for Lindsay to post something (hint hint!)
