Saturday, August 12, 2006

flickr meme

Flickr is fantastic. It's a curiosity shop full of interesting and intriguing things...

What are the 3 most recent flickr photos that you've bookmarked? No cheating - post the 3 most recent, not your 3 favourites of all time. Post the links on your blog and add the link to your blog in the comments section here.

Here are mine:

1) A procession of small children wearing amazing fish costumes in some Spanish parade. How awesome is that?!

Desfile de anchoas
Originally uploaded by Tenebris.

2) A gorgeous black and white bird tattoo. (The kind I'd probably get if I were the kind of person to get a tattoo.)

Originally uploaded by malloreigh.

3) I like the colours of these armsocks. I must make armsocks.

Originally uploaded by kittenjunkie.


  1. I don't bookmark pictures...I look at them once and that's it. Besides, don't you bookmark actual flickr sites, rather than a particular photo?

  2. I bookmark both. I am a bookmark fiend.

  3. Oh, I see. Well, sorry, I guess I can't play the game. :)
