Monday, August 14, 2006

hey, babylegs

Is it just Vancouver, fashion-clone capital of the world, or is everyone wearing leggings? I like this look, but am not sure if it's an acceptable look for anyone over age 20. (That being said, I wore awesome knee-high stripey socks today, and had a pack of teen boys grunt "Nice socks!" at me as I walked by. Pfft.)

For under 20 though - waaay under 20 - check out BabyLegs, adorable leggings for babies and toddlers. Not only are they beyond cute, the concept and company were started by a stay-at-home mom who started making them for her daughter, then selling them out of her diaper bag. How cool is that?

1 comment:

  1. I think these cuties are the only ones who are pulling off this whole leggins are back trend... super cute...oooh I love babies!
