Monday, September 04, 2006


Originally uploaded by vonguard.
Hey hey it's my birthday! Eat some cake ... if it doesn't eat YOU first!

I absolutely adore this monster cake. Unfortunately, I don't know the artist's name, but was It's by Scott Hove as part of the Community Virology show at the LoBot Gallery in Oakland, California in July. The concept for the show is pretty awesome:

This show is the result of releasing a constructed virus into Oakland.

The action of this virus is simple ... It infects only Oakland artists and causes them to infect other Oakland artists.

The virus is initially within 6 people, each of these people will infect 6 more people, this process will happen 4 times resulting in 1554 artists being infected.

Check out more photos from the show here.


  1. Hippy Happy Birthday, Sio!
    Love you lots, talk to you tonight.

  2. scott hove is the name artist...
