Tuesday, August 07, 2007

food, glorious food

Finally, finally, I've found a recipe for broccoli soup. I've tried at least three others to very disappointing results, but not this one. This is one that I can safely add to my list (topped by my favourite, a potato leek soup) of foods I'd make out with. Metaphorically. Literally, I'll just make them a lot and enjoy them every time.

Broccoli soup with cheddar cheese. My alterations:
1) Because putting whipping cream in something seems insane to me, I used a cup and a half (instead of 1 cup) of 5% ("tastes like 10%!") cream instead. I use this for all my soups, and it's great.
2) I don't have oven-proof bowls, so I just sprinkled the cheddar cheese on top of the hot soup - it melts nicely and does the trick.

I also highly recommend making little garlic toasts to dip in this soup. Here's how I like to make that: mince some garlic and mix it with melted butter (1 clove to 1-2 tbsp seems to work. I just eyeball it). Take some French bread, slice it, then brush with the butter-garlic. Broil in oven until golden. So good.

ALSO, I've just discovered popovers. I made them yesterday for an afternoon snack and then today for breakfast. So simple, so delicious. Good with cheese and tomato, too, but I like it best with jam.

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