Thursday, October 04, 2007

makeshift thanksgiving

This morning my two housemates left for their respective hometowns for the long Thanksgiving weekend, which means that I have the house all to myself for four days! I'm not sad to be spending it alone - not yet anyway. I have big plans, not the least of which is to cook this amazing-looking cuban chicken and rice for myself on Monday! Who needs cranberry sauce when I can have this? I'm going to have to quarter the recipe, though, which is going to be interesting.


  1. just wishing, really, congratulations for this wonderful design selection!

    and ha! you haved just earned a brazilian fan ;D


  2. I love one pot dishes like this - less washing up! Thanks! x

  3. Hey There -

    I was just wondering what a traditional Canadian Thanksgiving meal might consist of - is it similar to American Thanksgiving fare (turkey, cranberry sauce, sweet potatoes...)?

    - Carina in Oregon
