Friday, November 09, 2007

sing a song of sixpence (or five bucks)

Craft + Rock = Two of my favourite things.

Dear Rockers is a new site that brings these two together, along wth a good old fashioned sense of well-doing. It was started up by a friend of mine, Darren Barefoot. (Darren's always up to random interesting side projects. Here's another one.)

Dear Rockers' tagline is "Paying back musicians, five bucks at a time" and that's just what the site is about:

Many of us own music that we didn't pay for. We don't feel guilty about shafting the record company, but what about the musicans themselves?

Touche, Darren.

Here's how it works:

1. Pick a musician
2. Write them a letter
3. Scan or photograph the letter and send it to us
4. Send off the letter
5. Enjoy your new, guilt-free life

Craft skills are strongly encouraged. As you know, it always makes a letter more fun.

Now the question is just which band to write to...

If you need to kickstart your memory, it might help to check out Pitchfork's list of 100 Awesome Music Videos that they compiled last year. I bet a more than a few of you out there owe some serious cash to A-Ha or The Eurythmics.

To join in the project and to see the letters submitted so far, check out the Dear Rockers site.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome. Thanks for the linkage and I look forward to your rockin' letter.
