Friday, December 21, 2007

once upon a time in the west

My favourite video of 2007 was probably made in someone's den, or basement. I've been obsessed with the song My Body is a Cage by the Arcade Fire since seeing this fan video on Pitchfork's Top 50 Videos of 2007. It's entirely engrossing and mesmerizing, but came from such a simple idea - cutting an old movie to fit in with a new song. The effect is amazing, however. I need to see Sergio Leone's Once Upon a Time in the West to find out what's up with the harmonicas.


  1. hi

    i am the owner of the crochet cupcake photo in this entry:

    my photos are protected by copyright and are not to be used without my permission by any other user. Please take down this image or you will be liable to legal action and responsible for copyright infringement. I know that you may not realize that what you have done is stealing, but it is. So please be respectful and preserve other's creative rights.


  2. Hi Miki

    In the entry you're talking about ( ) I did attribute the crocheted cupcakes back to you, with a link to your site included. In no way did I intend to be disrespectful or infringe any rights, so I was surprised by the forceful tone of your comment (above) that implies that I had malicious intent.

    The aim of this site is to celebrate, highlight and promote craftwork that we (and our readers) enjoy, always in a way that gives credit to the originating artists.

    However, I've removed your photo and the link to your site, as you requested.

    Siobhan (Magpie and Cake)

  3. siobhan,

    thank you very much for respecting my privacy and ownership of my photo. while it is true that you were very polite in crediting and attributing my photo it is still considered stealing for you to display it without my permission. On my flickr site where I display my photos, I have all rights reserved on everything I upload which means that my permission is needed to use them.

    i do apologize for being rude in my original request. i suppose that the continuous borrowing of my photos has made me insensitive to the good intentions of others and only serves to make enemies.
