Tuesday, September 16, 2008

i'm starting to make jewellery, oh yeah.

Initial thoughts while making my first necklace using actual jewellery-making tools:

1. Using tools is awesome.

2. Gravity is serious business. (I can't put beads wherever I want and expect the chain to hang the way I want. I will have to learn to accept the rules of the universe. Begrudgingly.)

3. I can totally see the benefit of using a neck model. Again, gravity.

4. I will need waaaay more jump rings that I anticipated.

5. Hooray for new projects.

6. Don't I have enough projects already?

7. Ah well. I love it.

1 comment:

  1. Nice! I've been wanting to do this for ages - it's always on the "someday, someday" list. Way to get to it!! Can't wait to see what you make...
