Monday, October 06, 2008

we all scream for...

Two sweet, sweet things I enjoy:

1. collaborative projects
2. ice cream

I think most people would say the same.

But could most people handle both of these sweets together in one amazing combination? No. For that, we humans need to rely on a higher form of life... Yes, I'm talking about Ice Cream People.

Enter the Ice Cream People project, created by Brian Butler.

Here's the mission statement:

The intent of this project to get the Ice Cream Person recognized among the greatest of supernatural beings, (right up there with Bigfoot, Lochness, and UFOs).

Right now I'm collecting artist renditions as evidence. I'm mailing postcards with a cone template printed on it, for fellow advocates to complete and return. The postcards will be archived online at, and I'm planning the real-life exhibition now.

Check out the growing gallery of ice cream people drawings, as well as the blog, where ice cream people are spotted in their natural environments.

Get all the deets on how to participate here.

Pictured here are the fine ice cream people of Dick Daniels, Mohamed from 826 Boston (Go 826!) and Brian Butler, respectively.


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