Friday, November 14, 2008

craft rock friday with ac/dc

Yes, AC/DC.

It's been a week of meetings, meetings and more meetings for me at the ol' day job. So it seems fitting this Craft Rock Friday to share a video that AC/DC made in - get this - Excel. Proving that rock can happen anywhere, even at the office.

Their new video for "Rock N Roll Train" is available to download in Excel spreadsheet format. Here's a lil' video clip that shows you a preview of the rock action that can happen in your office software.

But wait, there's MORE! For the best cover of an AC/DC song ever, head on over to Patrick Brealey's MySpace and listen to his take on "You Shook Me All Night Long". Who knew Ac/DC could be so sensual? Oh, my.

(via Blogotheque)

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