Wednesday, December 03, 2008

balaclavas for your keys

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas....

OK, it's not. It's not snowing at all out here on the west coast and I'm not feeling the holiday vibe yet. My neighbour's inflatable snowman is just not doing it for me.

But help is on the way! These little dudes make me think about putting a log on the fire (if I had one), baking gingerbread and singing carols.

Little balaclavas for your keys! Don't they make you want to just send your keys out to build a snowman? These knitted key cozies were created by Sonics. They're also available in her Etsy shop.

(via Craft: blog)

1 comment:

  1. oh, these are seriously adorable!! must've missed the link on cratzine. =p
