Friday, January 30, 2009

craft rock friday with lisa hannigan

The bittersweet video for Lisa Hannigan's "Lille" is full of separation, tragedy at sea, heartbreak, reunion... all told in through the timeless medium of pop-up books.

Lisa Hannigan - Lille from ATO Records on Vimeo.

Lisa Hannigan gets extra craft-rock-friday points: her album is called Sea Sew, and her website is super-crafty, also, with a lovely knitted background and quilted patches.


  1. Thanks so much for turning me on to this! I've downloaded the whole album and have already had a few hours of enjoyment!

    And the pop-up book video is brilliant!

  2. Such a beautiful song and beautiful book!

  3. Oh I'm a sucker for anything crafty...and Lisa Hannigan! I thought I'd never hear her again after she stopped singing with Damien Rice. You have made my day!

  4. Just wanted to say that your blog has been
    a great inspiration in helping me out of my
    rut. Helped so much in getting me excited about
    being crafty again! Thanks so much ladies!

    Have you ever seen this gorgeous video...

