Thursday, January 22, 2009

a forest in the livingroom

How did I miss this? Kim from Desire to Inspire renovated her living room last Spring, and put in a forest.

A forest!!

Cheesy as they are, I have a fondness for nature photo murals. When I was growing up, my dentist's office had a different season in each room: a forest full of birch trees in the fall in one, a summer lake in the other...

You can see all her home renos in Kim's flickr set. This little nook is especially pretty.

Kim's also got another blog all about her current adventures in remodeling her kitchen, including a brilliant basement hatch - AKA a trapdoor.

A trapdoor!!


  1. It's so weird to see that forest living room picture on M&C - it's been my background on my work computer for weeks! Ha!

  2. Looks like you should be posting more, my friend! :)
