Tuesday, August 25, 2009

can i tackle a jacket?

I wonder if my sewing skills are good enough to tackle a jacket?

Burda's got some sweet patterns for Fall jackets.



  1. They take time (and a certain amount of precision) but you can totally do it!

  2. Sure they are! I have confidence in you!

  3. Those jackets DO look inspiring. Why not just try and make one? It's worth the try at least. I haven't made an adult-sized jacket in years (like 20), but I think it's doable!

  4. Did you ever go any further on this? My fave. is the top middle one.

  5. Alice - No, I haven't got round to this yet... Never enough time. Though I am on a bit of a knitting kick right now.

  6. I want to make their fall cape pattern so badly! It's so lovely!!!
    And think about sewing this way: It's really just feeding layers of fabric through a machine, so as long as you read the directions thoroughly or have your grandma on speed dial you can really tackle any project and succeed! I have faith in you!
