Friday, April 23, 2010

Craft Rock Friday with My Robot Friend

Today's Craft Rock Friday brings you a sweet song, a sweet story ... and some sweet stop-motion paper-cut action.

Using cut paper and pen and ink drawings, artist Liam Stevens (whose other drawings are pretty great, too) has created a truly lovely little music video for the acoustic version of My Robot Friend's song, "Waiting", featuring the lovely guitar of Jay Kauffman.

Listening to the song, I hadn't pictured a traditional Japanese setting - but I think it works quite well. The palette and the hand-drawn feel - as well as the charming story - all really complement this version of the song.

Oh! And one more delicious piece of crafty goodness for you - I'll leave you with the brilliant artwork for My Robot Friend's album, Soft-Core. Ha!

(Today's Craft Rock Friday tip was sent to me by the ever-awesome Dan - a big admirer of both paper and robots. Thanks, dude!)

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