Friday, May 28, 2010

Craft Rock Friday with U900 Japanese Ukulele Duo

It's no secret that I have a soft spot for the ukulele. It's small, it's cute, it's Hawaiian. What's not to love?

It'd be harder to make the uke any cuter. OK, maybe if the ukuleles were miniature and being played by tiny amigurumi animals... THEN the humble uke could be unequivocally declared to be the Cute Overload of musical instruments.

Oh. Wait.


I present to you, on this fine Craft Rock Friday, the wonder that is U900 Japanese Ukulele Duo.

Here's their video for "Walk Don't Run". The bear's expression is priceless.

Their video for "Diamond Head" was awarded an honorable prize "Ukulele Video of the Year 2010" hosted by UkeHunt.

You can read an interview with U900's human representative on UkeHunt.

U900's new record, Ukulele Beatles, is available for pre-order on Amazon Japan.

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