Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Nice Ax

The New York Times's Design Notebook blog has an interesting article about Canadian (now NYC) designer, Peter Buchanan-Smith... aka "the ax guy". His company is called Best Made Company, and yup, they make axes. Good looking axes.
But he has clearly struck a nerve. At a time when entire neighborhoods (like Williamsburg, Brooklyn, or the Outer Mission in San Francisco) are being remodeled by young entrepreneurs selling limited-edition handcrafted products like handmade cheeses, or exhuming old ones, like Edison light bulbs, or teaching their peers how to butcher the deer they bagged over the weekend — that is, selling products and skills that hark back to a pre-megabrand, pre-globalism world — someone like Mr. Buchanan-Smith can become a mini-star, the designer-turned-merchant, a Martha Stewart for this millennium.
Read the full article on the New York Times site.

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