Friday, February 03, 2012

Craft Rock Friday with Avalanche City

Today's Craft Rock Friday won over my heart. Avalanche City's song "You And I" is not only a lovely and catchy tune, the lyrics are right up my alley.

I liked this verse:

If you found your toothpaste empty
I would squeeze out just a little more
And if you had the sweetest victory
I'd high five you 'til our hands were sore

But I LOVED this verse:

And if you were scared and worried
Well, I would keep you safe and sound
And if you were addicted to fabric
Well, you could a fill whole room in our house

Now that's true love!

What's more, for added CRF points, the video includes handmade marionettes...

Bonus video! Avalanche City's video for "Love Love Love" also qualifies for CRF-ness, what with all the papercut polar bears, penguins and pirates!

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