And here's another reason why. From May 16-23 in NYC , Ikea hosted the EVERYDAY FABULOUS EXHIBIT. True to it's name, it sounds pretty fabulous.

Events included "Calling all the Suddenly Single", which invited "those who've recently dumped or been dumped by a significant other" to "celebrate your newfound freedom for making uninhibited decorating decisioons - no more authorization or prior consent required for that sofa selection of chair choice." Ha!
There are also cute little activities on the EVERYDAY FABULOUS site, like how to make a hot dog that looks like a dog (in the spirit of Octodog!) (click on May 20), downloadable magnet designs (May 19), and a video of how to fold a t-shirt (May 16). Uh oh, Martha's gonna be mad - that's her turf.

That is awesome, but aren't they worried about people stealing the accessories??? Like the pillow at the bottom of the slide?