Tuesday, May 23, 2006

everyday fabulous

Dear Ikea, I think I am in love with you. Signed, MP&C

And here's another reason why. From May 16-23 in NYC , Ikea hosted the EVERYDAY FABULOUS EXHIBIT. True to it's name, it sounds pretty fabulous.

Ikea made everyday environments a little cozier, adding pillows to benches, and hanging hammocks between street signs. These nice little surprises were tagged with a sign that read "Good design can make the everyday a little better."

Events included "Calling all the Suddenly Single", which invited "those who've recently dumped or been dumped by a significant other" to "celebrate your newfound freedom for making uninhibited decorating decisioons - no more authorization or prior consent required for that sofa selection of chair choice." Ha!

There are also cute little activities on the EVERYDAY FABULOUS site, like how to make a hot dog that looks like a dog (in the spirit of Octodog!) (click on May 20), downloadable magnet designs (May 19), and a video of how to fold a t-shirt (May 16). Uh oh, Martha's gonna be mad - that's her turf.

1 comment:

  1. That is awesome, but aren't they worried about people stealing the accessories??? Like the pillow at the bottom of the slide?
