love her or hate her, she can fold a t-shirt better than you

On the plane on the way home from my xmas vacation, I watched a re-run episode of Martha Stewart's show. This was a treat because (a) I don't have cable tv at home, so had not yet seen Martha's new show, and (b) when you watch anything on a little tv on the back of a seat in a plane, anything you watch seems fantastic.

So, on this episode, Martha taught one of the actresses from Desperate Housewives How to Fold a T-Shirt. (Note the authoritative, Martha-Knows-All capitals.) It was pretty great, like fabric origami. Here are the instructions, though you may have to see it to love it. It reminds me of Martha's How to Fold a Fitted Sheet, which I saw her demonstrate on Oprah some time ago, and use to this day. Again, fabric origami - and it just makes you feel good when you're taking your sheets out of the dryer.

Also, now that I'm on a Martha kick, here are the 30 Things Everyone Should Know - according to Martha - in handy PDFs on the Martha Blog (a fan blog run by a guy in Calgary - who knew?) and in video on Martha's site. Curiously, insider stock tips are not among the 30 Things Everyone Should Know. I guess she's revised the list.

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