Friday, June 23, 2006

oh, happy day, with joyous glee!

Happy, happy, happy.

It's official. Today is the Happiest Day of the Year. And we have the equation to prove it.

Welsh psychologist Dr. Cliff Arnall has determinded that Friday, June 23rd is the happiest day of the year.

The seasonal disorders specialist has devised a formula that measures good mood through outdoor activity, high energy levels and more sunlight.

The equation Arnall devised to find the happiest day is O + (N x S) + Cpm/T + He.

O stands for being outdoors and outdoor activity, N for nature, S for social interaction, Cpm for childhood summers and positive memories, T for temperature and He for holidays and looking forward to time off.

Today was also pinpointed as the happiest day of the year because of its added "thank goodness it's Friday" feeling.

Get the whole story here.

Or, for another dose of sunshine and lollipops with a cherry on top, visit, home of Lovin Sullivan Cakes, a bakery in NYC. Such beautiful cakes! Amazing, amazing, amazing - chances are, delicious, too.

Are you smiling yet? :)

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