Wednesday, June 21, 2006

will knit for haircut

First off: sorry. There's been very litte action on mapgpie and cake over the past week. But we have a good excuse for it, really: Linds is now in PEI (from Ontario) and I was in Toronto (from Vancouver) - though we did briefly cross paths in the Tdot, which was, of course, superfantastic.

Ok, now time for a story. Not quite America's Next Top Model, but probably as close as I'm gonna get. I was sitting in a cafe with my craft group, happily knitting away and chatting, when this guy comes over and asks if I'd like to get my hair cut for free. He was working at the salon nextdoor, and his scheduled hair model hadn't shown up, so he was scouring the streets for a girl with short hair. I was up for a free haircut, and have always been curious about this whole "hair model" thing, so I went for it. About two hours later (!) I had heard (but not really understood) a great deal of hair-cutting jargon and ended up with a super-short, sassy do.

See what knitting can get you? It's all glamour, glamour, glamour.


  1. CUTE!

    so did they take your pic? Will you be plastered up around town, displayed in the window of every hair place in Vancity?? That would be cool.

  2. No, no. I was just a hamster, really. Hamsters don't get signed for modelling contracts. Well, not usually.

  3. Hee hee, hamster. Looks great! You're home already??

  4. that is a super sassy cut. You look fab darling!
