Friday, October 28, 2011

7 Deadliest Halloween Recipes... Creepy and Cute

I was hard pressed to come up with a category for my last set of "7 Deadliest Halloween Recipes"... There were too many random wonderful ghoulish recipes to choose from. So here are a motely crew of creepy and cute Halloween recipes.

Brains in a Jar Cupcakes by Living Locurto -- Such an awesome idea!

 Witches' Fingers Cookies by Magda's Cauldron -- This one is a family tradition for us!

Jello Worms by Mel's Kitchen Cafe -- Made with Jello and a straw.

 Brain Cupcakes by Martha Stewart -- I love the icing on these.

Skull Madeleines by Martha Stewart
-- I can't get enough of the expressions on the marshmallow skull faces.

Green Meanies by TLC Cooking -- Simple, yet full of personality (and mystery...)

Enjoy your spooky snacking!

1 comment:

  1. Oooh I love the brains -- both the ones in the jar and the cupcake-like ones with clever names.
