Wednesday, November 02, 2011

Legwarmers Warm My Heart

image via Anushka Tay / Ravelry
Recently I've had legwarmers on the brain. It doesn't take many cool, dark autumn mornings to get me thinking about knitting again, wishing I had some warm woolies to keep me warm. And this year I've been thinking a lot about legwarmers.

I bought new boots this year, and totally love them: Puffin boots from Merrell. I have a crush on my own boots, they're so damn cute. Plus, cozy and comfy. And they do remind me of puffins. Which is awesome.

I think they would go great with some cute cable knit legwarmers. I am leaning towards trying out the Tree Trunk Legwarmers by Anushka Tay, but may go with the non-cabled Legwarmers by Jane Richmond, both free patterns on Ravelry.

What's more, last week's Purl Soho eNewsletter featured a pattern for rad and hilarious legwarmers that look like tube socks. Not enough legs, I tell you.... nor enough time to knit!


  1. Those cabled ones are really nice! I am so jealous you got those boots - I was eyeing them a couple weekends ago while Bruno was shoe-shopping, but I know mine (same type of Merrells, but from a few years back) still have some good life in them yet so I told myself maybe next year.

    Also...time for a crafternoon? I have got a few good projects on the go finally. ;)

  2. My yoga teacher was wearing leg warmers this week and I was totally thinking I should get some. It reminds me of when my sister and I would go to gymnastics when we lived in England and would wear stripey legwarmers. :)
