coffee quilt, fully caffeinated

Here are some photos of my finished quilt. It measures 4'3" x 5'6" and used up very close to 200 used coffee sleeves, at least 80% of which came from Starbucks (welcome to Vancouver!).

So much sewing. Now it's time to rest...

Alice  – (February 24, 2006)  

Siobhan, you are hilarious!
And the quilt, gorgeous! How do you do it??!?!

sewing stars  – (February 24, 2006)  

wow! that came out great! all you quiters are making me want to quilt again...

Lindsay  – (February 25, 2006)  

The quilt looks GREAT. I can't wait to see pictures of it at the exhibition! Congratulations again! That picture of you asleep and dreaming is hilarious. You're the best.

Anonymous –   – (February 26, 2006)  

this looks great, siobhan!
i love the idea behind it too. i told the boy about it, and it was enough to start him off on a rant about north american consumption. ha!

Anonymous –   – (February 26, 2006)  

omg! that's unbelievable! wow....

StarKnits  – (June 21, 2007)  

Oh my goodness! that is wonderful. is is comfy?? or rough? that's an awesome way to recycle! I'm sure though you're always wanting some coffee when you use it though. love it.

Alice  – (June 23, 2007)  

a cardboard quilt... how ingenious - I like the way you used a zig zag to join it all together... or am I seeing it wrong? Good Job!

Kat  – (July 04, 2007)  

Me thinks Starbucks might pay big bucks for that.

verabear  – (August 27, 2007)  

you did an awesome job. may i know how it's done? do you have a tutorial or something? I just, truly loved it and would make one too (if you don't mind :) )

but... this is cardboard so it's not washable right? im sorry with so many questions. i was just really amazed with the great job you did. :)

Anonymous –   – (August 28, 2007)  

If you did the "iron plastic grocery bags to fuse them into material" trick too, you could, theoretically, water proof this.

City Girl Quilter  – (October 04, 2007)  

What a cool quilt! So creative.


Anonymous –   – (December 02, 2007)  

Great post! It was so pleasant to read it by the cup of hot French coffee.

Anonymous –   – (August 18, 2008)  

Wow, sewing cardboard like that is fantastic. You can also get monogrammed coffee sleeves in a huge selection of fabrics:

They could add unique options.

Anonymous –   – (March 22, 2009)  

This is very crafty of you and quite beautiful. Also nice site.

Anonymous –   – (December 12, 2009)  

Great Quilt. I have always wondered what i could do with those things.
Some of my friends call me Mrs. Starbucks. Can't live without my coffee.

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