suit up

OK kids, there's only six months till Hallowe'en. What's your costume going to look like? What's it going to sound like?

Never thought about the sound of your costume? Yeah, me neither. But Nick Cave has. About 50 of his "soundsuits" are now on display at the Chicago Cultural Center.

Inspired by tribal ceremonial costumes from around the world, Chicago artist Nick Cave’s sculptural soundsuits are full body garments that are layered and textured with metal, plastic, fabric, hair and other found objects. They are designed to rattle and resonate with the movement of the wearer.

The soundsuits are made of all kinds of reclaimed materials - from tinker toys to beads to Victorian ceramic birds.

Next year, Cave will also be collaborating with three Chicago dance companies to create a show using 90 soundsuits.

Read an article on Nick Cave's show here and see more of his work here. And if you're in Chicago, there are all kinds of soundsuit-related events happening until between now and July. Sounds pretty good to me.

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