photography tips for food bloggers

Vegan Yum Yum has written a lengthy and informative post about how to take great food photos.

Vegan Yum Yum's own photos are always gorgeous (and delicious), and her article is full of lots of great tips for food bloggers, vegan or otherwise, covering everything from cameras and lenses, to editing and, of course, dealing with the dishes.

Vegan Yum Yum also has so many great recipes to try out... Miniature Napoleons with Eggplant Creme, Smoky Miso Tofu and Sweet Chili Lime Tofu with Wok Steamed Collards and Quinoa are at the top of my "to try" list. Yum Yum.

Anonymous –   – (September 20, 2008)  

Thank you so much for linking me! I really appreciate it. Take care!

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