my! first! craft! fair!
Woop! My first craft fair was this past weeekend. It was awesome. I had a great time, met some great people, saw lots of talented crafters, got lots of great comments about my work, and even sold some of it!
A few days before the event, I started worrying that it would be like Grade 7 science fair - sitting around at your booth all day, waiting for something to happen. Super-prepared for dullsville, I brought along a book, embroidery projects and my sketchbook - but I only doodled half of one drawing all day. I was kept busy chatting to customers, friends and other crafters and wandering around the hall looking at all the marvels on display. My friend Ren also valiantly came along for company, to hold down the craft fort, to make sure I didn't go hungry, and to sell some of the buttons he made.
Here's the loot I picked up at Craftynest from some of the talented crafters:
- Snail-and-trees print purse by Nicole at It's Your Life (swapped for one of my owl purses)
- A necklace by Groovy Glass Girl
- Dreamer's Luna Blend tea made by Mamabird (also swapped for one of my owl purses)
- A chickadee print on soft green felt. (Oh no, I can't remember who made this! Sorry!)
- A mini metallic robot painting by Rebecca (a gift from Sonny - thank you!)

And, if you ever want a hat, Cozy's your gal. She also makes some lovely wrist warmers and other knitted goodness.
Can't wait until you get that Esty shop on the go...!
yay and wee! siobhan your little critter i won in the draw has been munching my beads! simon looooves his little owl coin purse (and i love watching him open it cute little thing/big hunky guy- adorable.)
gosh and hurrah for the craftynest love and goodness.
ive linked you. i hope you dont mind, your shop and this blog!
link away, nicole! i'm glad my owl has gone to a good home! more men need owl purses, i say.
as for the critter, yeah, you have to watch out for him - sneaky little unidentified creature that he is... :)
Please sell the pigeons in your future etsy shop.
esta todo hermoso!!!
ooooooooh....i d like that kinda events here in my country.
How long it took to yo to make all those stuff.
i really admire you and your other friend....i know its a hard and cretive work....m so happy seeing you girls do what u love.
im from Panama. im trying to make my stuff ... a lot of work...but i love it.
i also work in a ad agency...i need to do my stuff at night....there i go.
soon ill build my own blog just about my screenprint projects.
good luuuuck!