What You Can Be For Hallowe'en: Twenty-Four
At this late stage in the game, perhaps it's a little more than many of us can handle, but let's take the time to marvel over the work that went into this amazing costume. Costume Idea #24: California (or indeed, any other state or province you so desire).
His documentation of the building of his California costume is not exactly a tutorial, but I think it has enough detail were you to try to copy the process. The magic of foam again, it seems - is there anything that stuff can't do costume-wise? I'm impressed at the addition of lights, too, as well as the great paint job he did... much more effective than just painting it one colour and writing CALIFORNIA across it, like you'd probably see in a stereotypical school pagent.
I saw a Saskatchewan costume once, which hilarious because of how lame it was - just a big rectangle. Awesome.