emily carr shop
Emily Carr Institute, the art and design school here in Vancouver, now has a store to showcase and sell the work of students and alumni. About time, I say. I've always been surprised that ECI didn't have a year-round store near their campus on Granville Island, where there are dozens of artist's studios and art-buying tourists galore. Now, at least, there's a place for this online, at the ECI studioshop.
The online shop has everything from paintings worth thousands of dollars to socks. Pictured here are some of my current faves: pistachio and mimosa knee socks by Katherine Soucie, a sparrow platter by Jacqueline Robins, "Guard#1" photograph by Loe Russell, and a bok choi tote bag by Keiko Lee-Hem.And for those of you in Vancouver, the ECI annual student art sale is on soon: November 16 and 17 in the Concourse Gallery at the school.
Ooh, let's go when I visit.
P.S. Pictures are a no-go.
Hey Linds! The pics are fixed now. :)
The ECI shop is online only (sadly) and I think you're here the weeked after the art sale (right?)... boo! Oh well, we can still find some other fun things to do (and spend $ on)....
That's exciting. You have an award waiting for you over on my site. ;)
Thanks for mentioning studioshop in your blog! We're hoping to have another exhibit/sale - perhaps it won't be until the summer ... sign up for our mailing list at https://www.ecistudioshop.ca/shop/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=30&Itemid=49
and i'll keep you posted!
studioshop coordinator