obama art
I am not American. I am not into politics. But - for once - there is something inspiring about the current US political race, thanks to Barack Obama. This collective inspiration is manifesting itself in many forums - including the visual arts. There seem to be so many artists out there right now who want to show their support for Obama - and in turn inspire others.
Obama art. It's everywhere.
The best known Obama artworks to date are, of course, the posters recently created by uberfamous street artist Obey, aka Shepard Fairey. Creativity magazine interviewed Obey about his motivation behind the prints - which sold out in a mere 15 minutes.Other graphic artists have also been inspired to show their support. Some are quite similar in style and palette, such as Gemini Studio's "Yes We Can" poster and The Mac's "HOPE" poster -- but damn, check out The Mac's fine brushwork!
Xtrapop created this retro-style Obama 08 poster (below centre), as well as this variation in warmer hues. The Date Farmers created a Mexican street art influenced poster that calls out for "!Cambio!" (below left). CRO, aka Ray Noland, has been postering up Chicago with smooth pro-Obama signage since last summer (below right).
Jill Dryer (who's usually here) made this cute poster of lines of birds who "Stand 4 Change", and another Obama bird poster, too.
Crafters have also been showing their colours. A quick search for the keyword "Obama" on Etsy brings up a surprising number of results -- today there are 132 Obama items for sale.
Alcove Press' "I want to Barack your world" cards were originally created for Valentine's Day, the cards were so popular that they brought back them back - so now you can spread the O-love all year round.
Holliday's "Obama is sexy" wallet features some nice silkscreening and colour choices.
There are lots of ways to show your Obama support through jewellery: a few options are SquishyMatter's "Obama Mama" and "Obamaphile" pendants, "Vote Obama" charm necklaces by matsudabunch and SilverStones, and beaded necklaces and bracelets by leeza888. On the more, let's say, bold end of the spectrum are cbtscloset's earrings of Obama's face.Taking it to the next level, the able-fingered Etchasketchist twisted and turned to produce a portrait of Obama on an etch-a-sketch.
And last but not least: the weirdest Obamarama-inspired piece is certainly joanmwyand's "Go Obama 2008" political moustache pin. I love staches as much as the next gal - but am I missing the connection here?
This is crazy, WOW, I'm just guessing but I doubt there are many presidential hopefuls before him who have inspired this much creativity....I can't vote because I'm not a US citizen but it sure is great to be here during this history making presidential race.
some of these are really stunning!
Obama is inspiring so many people & artist too.
Check out this Obama painting.
Loving the art.
Check out this one too!
I really like this old-fashioned portrait by Ken Jacobsen:
Check out "Obamosaic" - An interactive mosaic of 200+ Obama t-shirts.
Every politician since time began has professed to be "different" and to "change" things. He's just a politician. Worship him at your own risk.
For several weeks I have enjoyed reading the Art of Obama. Each day they post something from a new artist.
The Vote For Change Folks asked me to create this drawing.
Check out Jason Hart's painting
of Barack Obama (Barack Obama, Blueprint for Change) on Ebay.
check out this neat little graphic and one of the best viral ads I've ever seen: