this weekend in vancouver: more crafts and fewer cars
>> Saturday, June 13, 2009 –
craft show,
There's lots of fun stuff happening in this weekend in Vancouver... If you can drag yourself away from the beach and the farmers' markets, there are a couple of crafty events happening on Main Street.Got Craft kicks off the first of its monthly bite-sized Got Craft shows. This event takes place on the second Sunday of each month between June and November, featuring a bakers dozen of local and handmade vendors - with a new combo of crafters participating every month.
Got Craft? Bite-Sized Edition
Sunday, June 14th, 2009
11 am to 4 pm
Little Mountain Gallery
195 E. 26th Avenue (at Main Street)
Admission by donation to support the Vancouver Craft Mafia
More details at

Blim's Monthly Community Market
Sunday, June 14th, 2009
Noon to 6 pm
On the sidewalk outside Blim
17th at Main
More details at

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