What You Can Be For Hallowe’en: Seven
Faster than a speeding bullet. Can leap tall buildings in a single bound. Hand wash only.
Costume Idea #7: Woolen Superhero!
Crafty artist Mark Newport has created the most cuddly set of superhero outfits this side of Gotham City. Batman, the Escapist, the Fantastic Four … all your most-admired heroes are here, in full-size, hand-knit glory. My favourite is Bobbleman.Mark Newport just finished a show at the Greg Kucera Gallery in Seattle. According to his statement on the gallery’s site, his work arose in response to the question, "How do I know how to be a man?" The knitted superhero costumes tackle many issues (like a good superhero must) - strength vs vulnerability, “woman’s work” (craft) vs “man’s work” (protection), home vs public arenas, pop culture diversions (comics) vs traditional endeavours (knitting). On top of this, the pieces are really just a lot of fun to look at. They’re so unexpected and are kind of goofy – they make me laugh … and I really want to try one on for size! Check out all the outfits and photos from the show here.