you can fix it
All of a sudden, all of my socks have holes in them. The plastic coating on my headphones is ripped, exposing the wires underneath. The towel rack in the bathroom wrenched itself out of the wall, leaving a gaping hole in the plaster.
Yes, things are falling apart.
Fortunately, Spring is a time of renewal - as well as repair.
Craftzine named March "Mending Month" and has been providing a ton of useful tips on how to out things right.
Some personal faves are:
How to Mend Broken Jewelry (I love the videos!)
How to Mend a Fabric Tear Near a Zipper
How to Crochet Patches
How to Mend a Quilt
How to Hand-Sew a Blind Hem
Here are roundups of all the links from Craftzine's Mending Month:
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4BurdaStyle also has a handy tutorial on how to repair your umbrella. Chances are anyone who lives on the
west rainy coast will be needing that soon enough.
What do you have to mend? And what do you keep putting off repairing?
Which reminds me, I still have to mend the torn pockets in my Spring coat - it's been like that since last Spring...
Don't they have how to mend a bank ? :-)
Kind regards,